Sustainability is a huge focus now in the business world. But sometimes we need to point out that a large amount of such investors and businesses and corporations who speak about sustainability are talking business world gibberish. If they really want an honest mission statement on sustainability then they are welcome to use this:
“So far in the pursuit of profit we have been to very careless in polluting the environment and mistreating our staff in a way which is we are now being forced to admit is unsustainable, after decades of annoying pressure from grassroots activism. Sorry about that.
In order to be serious about reducing all that bad stuff we will have to accept various safety procedures and environmental checks and different ways and aims in production. It also means genuine public consultation with the local people and democratic empowerment of staff to make their own decisions. We accept that these mean higher costs and lower profits. But this is necessary if we wish to be genuinely sustainable, to stop abusing staff and have a decent planet left to live on... We got this!”
Or they can keep on using the usual rubbish statements which really - underneath all the confusing new age business terminology - mean they wish to see what profits they can get while making an attempt at semi-sustainability.
A professional comic book writer. My latest books: FIGHT THE POWER, New Internationalist *** PARECOMIC, Seven Stories Press *** THE BOOK OF FIVE RINGS, manga adaptation of the Japanese classic, Shambhala publications. *** 'Yakuza Moon:the manga edition', Kodansha. *** 'Ax:alternative manga', a 400 page collection of indie Japanese manga, Top Shelf. Click on my dimpled photo above to go to the special Amazon page about my books.
About myself
About myself
Seán Michael Wilson is a professional comic book writer from Scotland, now living in Japan. Contact:
The types of subjects I tackle are normally mature style stories: biographical, historical, slice of life, documentary, though sometimes also fantastical stuff, especially magickal stories. I have worked with various excellent professional artists, such as Sakura Mizuki (of the popular RING horror manga series), Mike Collins, (art on Superman, Batman and Harry Potter, etc), Yishan Li, John M Burns and Mick McMahon.
Living in Japan means that I am obviously in a good place to create manga or Japan related work, working directly with Japanese artists and publishers. I am - apparently - the only British professional comic book writer living in Japan, and the only one currently working for Kodansha (oohhh, get you!). I have also given talks about comics and manga in the UK, Japan and the USA (and not forgetting Sweden!). My books have been nominated in the Harvey book awards, and the Stan Lee Excelsior awards.
「THE JAPANESE DRAWING ROOM」は英国の美術館"Bournemouth"と共同で製作された。
「Iraq Operation Corporate takeover」は英国のチャリティー団体 War on Wantと共に出版された。
彼は講談社から「Hagakure」「Yakuza Moon」を出版し、イギリスのクリエーターにとっては非常に異色である、ケータイ漫画での出版に取り組んでいる。彼はまた、高く評価された「AX: alternative manga」(Top Shelf 出版)の編集者である。
「AX: alternative manga」は2010年にPublishers Weekly・ベストコミックにトップ10入りし、ハーベイアワードにノミネートされた。
日本の編集者・浅川満寛氏との共同作業により、ショーンは劇画スタイルの漫画と「AX: alternative manga」をアメリカ、イギリス、日本で発表し、また、成人向け・文語体漫画の普及拡大に挑戦している。
Published books, most recent first:
- A comic book adaptation of WUTHERING HEIGHTS (EMILY BRONTE), 140 pages (art: John M Burns), August 2011 ,Classical Comics
- YAKUZA MOON, 190 page manga book, (art: Michiru Morikawa), spring 2011 from Kodansha International, Japan/USA.
- STORY OF LEE volume one, a 150 page long manga with (art: Chie Kutsuwada), december 2010 from NBM Inc, USA.
- A comic book adaptation of A CANTERVILLE GHOST (OSCAR WILDE), 110 pages, (art:Steve Bryant), October 2010,Classical Comics.
- HAGAKURE: manga edition, a 140 page manga style book,(art: Chie Kutsuwada), Sept 2010 in Japan, (Jan 2011 in US) from Kodansha International, Japan/USA.
- AX: alternative manga, a 400 page book collecting alternative Japanese manga in English for the first time (editor), July 2010 Top Shelf, USA. (Received a 2011 Harvey Award nomination, and listed in the top ten best comic books of 2010 by Publishers Weekly).
- BUSKERS, long manga book with award winning artist Michiru Morikawa, 122 pages, in tandem with a film of the same name, October 2009, Insomnia Publications.
- A comic book adaptation of A CHRISTMAS CAROL (CHARLES DICKENS),120 pages, (art: Mike Collins), Autumn 2008, Clasical Comics, UK.
- 'YUKI-ONNA', a manga story published in Japanese language in Japan by Tokyo Soseki Insatsu for the Japanese mobile/cell phone system, Summer 2008.
- A documentary comic book, IRAQ: OPERATION CORPORATE TAKEOVER, 70 pages, (art:Lee O'Connor) with UK activist charity, War on Want, 2007
-The historical manga on a late 19thC writer: LAFCADIO HEARN'S JAPANESE GHOST STORIES,120 pages, Demented Dragon books,2007
- A historical manga THE JAPANESE DRAWING ROOM (with artist Sakura Mizuki, of THE RING horror manga), 70 pages, Museums,Libraries and Archive Department of the UK government, 2006
- The poem comics in award winning collection BEAUTIFUL THINGS, Boychild Productions 2005
- The graphic novel ANGEL OF THE WOODS, 90 pages, Boychild Productions, 2003
Short pieces in anthologies/magazines:
- One story in ASIA LITERARY REVIEW, summer 2011 edition. The first time this prestigious magazine has featured manga/comics. Art by Michiru Morikawa.
- One story in the tsunami charity book,SPIRIT OF HOPE, Comic book alliance, UK. June 2011. Art by Michiru Morikawa.
- One story in the collection WAR:THE HUMAN COST, Paper Tiger Comics, April 2011. Art Lee O'Connor.
- Monthly cartoon, GREEN BENCHES, in the magazine BLUE & GREEN TOMORROW, published in the UK. Art by Carl Thompson, and strip 6 art by Mick McMahon ( original Judge Dredd artist).
- A short manga in the magazine WHISKY MAGAZINE, for the event TOKYO WHISKY LIVE, Spring 2011. Also large 4 panel display on ground floor in Roppongi, Tokyo.
- CTRL.ALT.SHIFT UNMASKS CORRUPTION, one story alongside Pat Mills, Dave Mckean, Peter Kuper etc. Nov 2009.
- A manga with artist Yishan Li, THE STORY OF LEE, in the MAMMOTH BOOK OF BEST NEW MANGA, volume 2, Constable and Robinson, 2008
- A Yaoi manga story GANG OF LOVE in Yaoi Volume one, Yaoi Press,2007
- The story CHIMPIRA in MANGA MOVER anthology, Boychild Productions 2004
- One story in the tsunami charity book, AFTER SHOCK, May 2011, Adam Passion. Art by Michiru Morikawa.
- One story in the magazine 'CALEDONIA' of GLASGOW CALEDONIAN UNIVERSITY, May 2011. Art by Hanna Stromberg.
- A comic book adaptation of SWEENEY TODD, 140 pages, (art Declan Shalvey) due Autumn 2011,Classical Comics.
- CIGARETTE GIRL, editor of a 250 page book of stories by Masahiko Matsumoto, the 1950's colleague of reknowned gekiga manga creator Yoshihiro Tatsumi. This will be Matsumoto's first book in English, and will considerably extend understanding about gekiga style manga. Spring 2012, Top Shelf.
- AX: alternative manga, volume 2, Top Shelf, 2012.
Places where Sean Michael Wilson has been interviewed about his comic book work, and showed off shamelessly, the strutting hussy:
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